from the mind of critic: 3/9/20


From the mind of critic: “Does overcoming fear, require us to acknowledge its illusion? Does overcoming roadblocks, require us to acknowledge their sole existence, is within our own mind? Does this acknowledgement, reveal not authentic fears, but reactions that make mountains out of Moe hills? Getting over ourselves, isn’t as easy as faux advice makes it sound. It requires us to know ourselves, before we know what to improve. This task can prove difficult, when our inability to slow down and ask, “who am I, what do I want, and what’s preventing me from betting it”, stops us from truly understanding why we react the way we do; which is the first step in adjusting those reactions, to benefit our positive evolution, and vis a vie our collective species’ positive evolution. The good news is, that with critical thinking free will, we can break free of the bonds holding us back. We can let go of all the aspects that aren’t for our highest good, when we see the elite’s illusion of power, wasn’t ingrained by a cabal of illuminati, but by us every time we thought we weren’t good enough. Clarity of vision, comes with clarity of thought, which is solely birthed from loving ourselves. Once clarity kicks in, this isn’t a one and done mission, but an ongoing openness that we don’t know everything, but we do know some things. We are worth the effort, because we are worthy, not of egotistical self-love, but conscious love, that cant reveal its true beauty, unless its shared. Excitement, is fear turned backward.”

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