from the mind of critic: 6/12/19


From the mind of critic:     “If summer keep getting hotter every year, causing 100-degree days and destructive fires to be more common than not, but we can’t say global warming only climate change, where does that leave us? While our government helps industry speed up this process 3-fold by slashing regulations, do we have enough energy left to stand up sustainably, so we can bring ourselves back from the brink, and drive progress back in a positive direction? Well, do we? Perishing from the earth is always an option, but so is uniting around our commonalities, to prolong the life of this amazing planet we all live on. If we truly love ourselves and from whence we came, we’ll understand all others do too, which helps us unite to overthrow generationally ingrained paradigms, like, I don’t know, we can’t afford to save the planet. Well not only can we not afford not to, but we CAN afford All things. This country is anything but broke, we have more money now than we ever have, its just concentrated into fewer and fewer hands. Let’s make sure our government fixes the environment, or WE become the government so we can fix it. Literally, our lives depend on it.”

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