from the mind of critic: 6/10/19


From the mind of critic:      “If crystal blue persuasion forces us to enjoy the day, does gray fog persuasion force us to hate the day? Do we not automatically see beauty, causing us to think negative vile thoughts, culminating in the belief that beauty isn’t real? Does finding the beauty amongst fog, take much more work than we want or are able to expend at the moment, so we choose the easy way out? Does having that blue sky automatically shift our thinking in a more positive direction, but still doesn’t hand us things we’ve been asking for, because we took the first step and thought it was the only work which had to be done? Life takes effort, nothing is handed to us, and nothing comes without a little heartache. That doesn’t mean we should purposely make things harder for ourselves than the situation calls for, or make it so easy, it shuts off our critical thought. Once we realize that days, like life, all depend on our perceptions, self confidence and love, we’ll see that although nothing is guaranteed, we should feel good on a sunny and blue day, because it will fill our batteries for those foggy days, when we think the world has gone cold. Blue skies smile upon us, when we need a smile. The promise of new is a promise, not a guarantee. If working toward joy is tedious, do we ask ourselves, is it worth it? Taking the easy way out is admitting we can’t outstand the darkness, which precisely causes the light to dim.”

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