from the mind of critic: 6/5/19


From the mind of critic:          “If we’re so sick of the way things are, so sick of how humans treat each other, so sick of the rich not only taking advantage of the poor, but playing the poor off each other, so sick of the chiseled, concreted, encased and ingrained generational hate, which not only causes the poor fighting each other to be sustainable, but causes it to be so much what we expect to happen, that “it is what it is” isn’t questioned as a concept, because the alternative would be the chaotic unknown, which only appears scary due to us ignoring it for so long. if we’re that deathly ill, how do we change our situation, not to mention society? Love, truth, humanism and accountability, all through a humanistic lens. Sound difficult? It might be, but will become easier the more we practice, and integrate it into our routine. We’ll watch it go from this weird thing, to just something we do without thinking. We are the people we’ve been looking for, and the cure for what ails us, which won’t be realized, until we love and respect ourselves enough to know, we really are all in this together.”

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