from the mind of critic: 1/17/19

From the mind of critic: “If we want a government of, by and for the people to not perish from the earth, what are we doing to ensure that? Are we standing up when something isn’t right, even when the government in power says otherwise, regardless of what party is in power, or which we belong to? Are we hounding our Congressperson, Senators and other elected officials to spend less than the current 70% of their day fundraising, and instead use it working on, voting and then passing bills and laws the majority of not only their constituents want, but the rest of the country as well? Do we work on our personal relationships with each other, so when government grows out of them and us, it’s more human by definition? If people power is what fuels this as of yet realized dream of a nation, is unification around what makes us human, how we take back our country from the inhuman self-destruction it’s on the precipice of? United we stand, divided we fall is not just a mantra from yesteryear, it spells out exactly what our problem is, and how to fix it. To have a true people powered government, the people must have power. The greatest trick we’ve gotten collectively pulled on us, is to be convinced we don’t have power. When governments have armed drones and nuclear bombs, spies, military, platoons of blood sucking lobbyists, as well as hordes or corporate and unnamed donors pulling their every string, it can be hard for the average person to see how we could ever best that. Once we realize that the all-knowing and all-powerful government is only able to portray its illusion of power because we acquiesced through ignorance, materialism and not seeing each other in ourselves, we’ll see that all we need to do to turn around this run-away freight train, is live our humanity for each other and ourselves, express love and gratitude for all the world’s beauty, and converge critical mass based on the 90% we agree on, not the 10% we don’t. Winston Churchill said Democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others, is that because people power isn’t always pretty, but works in the end when people believe it can? The better we are to each other, the better our government will be to us. Critical mass works, because we really can do whatever we put our minds to. People power means working to our full potential, even if it’s currently unknown.”

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