from the mind of critic: 3/7/20


From the mind of critic: If we can lift our spirits past previous expectations, then does the world act in kind? Does the collective population feel inspired, when one of us has success that’s so relatable, the rest of us see how our journey forward, is one in the same? Is it possible after everything we’ve collectively, and individually experienced, to let go of the self-hate, (which morphs into outer-hate) and unite around, what fundamentally is the root, of all our hopes and dreams? Will this concept of action be surrounded by comfortability, or is truth the most non-judgmental concept there is, smashing preconceptions, in favor of mutual understanding? Good and bad are equally magnetic, each can pull us whichever way they want to go; urging us to experience, what we need to experience. The only way to ensure our soul is open to receive, is not to “never” have expectations, but not be so stone set in our thinking, we believe everything is all one way, or all another. This big beautiful world wants to live in harmony with us, by helping us evolve; whether we want to or not. This isn’t a loss of control, but an opportunity to help each other, by allowing others, to help us. Loving your fellow man might be “cliché”, but there’s a reason.”

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