from the mind of critic: 6/7/19


From the mind of critic:           “If the world is getting warmer as its getting colder, and wouldn’t be much better if it was getting colder as it got warmer, how do we find the correct balance so we’re not too hot and not too cold, but just right? If finding the goldilocks zone of society, self, and the earth is never perfect and never all one way or all another, then by definition wouldn’t balance be impossible to find as well? Both ends of the spectrum may be impossible to quantify, because of constant movement. Maybe this middle ground we’re so desperately searching for is impossible as well. Maybe we’re looking for a fixed point, because of all the hard work we’ve sweat, bled and cried over, that we want to reach a time when we don’t have to work anymore, proudly proclaiming we’ve arrived. Once we realize life is moving no matter what we do to try to slow, stop or speed it up, we’ll see aiming for balance is never a bad thing, but is a constant, every day and every moment struggle for supremacy of ourselves. Which we’ll never proclaim endless victory over, but can greatly increase our chances for a joyful and fulfilled life, the more consciously we act. We want our soul to warm and our earth to cool, but not too much. Life is a teeter totter, not a plank. Love and self kindness, is balance’s fuel. Conscious and constant forward motion, prevents unconscious stagnation and back pedaling.”

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